Secondary Sources
Sussex Anglo-Saxon Charters by Eric Barker, Sussex Archaeological Collection, vols 86. 87 and 88.
Fishbourne Roman Palace final interim report 1995-9 by John Manley and David Rudkin for the Sussex Archaeological Society.
Cuthman: a neglected saint by G.R. Stephens and W.D. Stephens
General History of Lewes Priory in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries by Barbara Mary Crook, Sussex Archaeological Collection, vol 81.
Burpham: A Settlement Site within Saxon Defences by H Sutermeister , Sussex Archaeological Collection, vol 114.
The Roman Buildings at Bosham by Ernest Black, Sussex Archaeological Collection, vol 123.
The Buildings of England: Sussex by Ian Nairn and Nikolas Pevsner
The History, Antiquities and Topography of the County of Sussex by T. W. Horsfield F.S.A
The New Concise History of the Crusades by Thomas F. Madden
England and the Crusades 1095 - 1588 by Christopher Tyerman
Histoire des Ducs Normandie et des Roi d’Angleterre, translated by F. Michel.
William the First and the Sussex Rape by J.F.A Mason
Roman Britain: A New History 55 BC - AD 450 by Patricia Southern
An Historical Atlas of Sussex edited by Kim Leslie and Brian Short
The Black Death by Philip Ziegler.
Documents related to Knepp castle by Rev. John Sharp, Sussex Archaeological Collection, vol 3.
Sussex Men at Agincourt by William Durrant Cooper F.S.A., Sussex Archeological Collection vol 15.
Late Romans and Saxons in Sussex by M.G. Welch
Some Observations on the Economy of the Roman Villa at Bignor, Sussex by S. Applebaum
Agincourt by Juliet Barker
Primary Sources
Gildas Sapiens: On the Ruin of Britain
Charters of the Selsey, edited by S. E. Kelly
Bede: Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Translated by Leo Sherly-Price, revised by R. E. Latham, introduction and notes by D. H. Farmer
Assers’s Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources, translated by Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Translated and edited by Michael Swanton
Domesday book: A Complete Translation, edited by Dr Ann Williams and Professor G. H. Martin
Henry of Huntingdon: The History of the English People, translated by Diana Greenway
Wace: A History of the Norman People, translated by Glyn S. Burgess
The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis Books III & IV, translated and edited by Marjorie Chibnall
Jean Froissart: Chronicles edited and translated Geoffrey Brereton
Roger of Wendover: Flowers of History to 1235, translated by J. A. Giles
Matthew Paris: English History 1235 - 1273, translated by J. A. Giles
The Chronica Maiora of Thomas Walsingham, translated by David Preest, introduction and notes by James G. Clark
The Chronicle of Battle Abbey, edited and translated by Eleanor Searle
Chronicles of the Revolution 1397 - 1400 translated and annotated by Chris Given-Wilson
The Gesta Guillelmi, translated and edited by R. H. C. Davis and Marjorie Chibnall
The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester translated by Thomas Forester A.M.
References and Historical Sources
These are the books and other reference sources I used in researching the content this web site. I relied fairly heavily on old chronicles and charters in some ares, but it’s important to keep in mind that the chroniclers were sometime writing about events many years before their time and and a chronicler was sometimes obliged to present a version of history that reflected favorably on their patron or sponsor. It also wasn’t unusual for charters to be forged to help establish property rights.