Sussex Timeline
Settlements of Britons in Sussex
43 Arrival of Romans
450 Arrival of South Saxons
886 Viking Raids
1066 Norman Conquest
1154 Plantagenets
Influences on the development of society in Sussex
0230 Romans build the Saxon Shore forts
0670 Early Christianity in Sussex
0909 King Alfred and the Burghal Hidage
0980 The second Viking invasion
1043 Edward the Confessor, the first Norman king?
1051 King Edward and Earl Godwine
1062 King Edward, Earl Harold and Duke William
1067 Origin of the Sussex Rapes
1088 Rebellion against William II
1135 The King, the Queen and the Empress
1155 The Confederation of Cinque Ports
1209 King John Seizes Knepp Castle
1211 Death of Matilda de Braose
1215 The Barons rebel against John
1386 The French Invasion of England
1387 The Earl of Arundel is Victorious at Sea
1392 Sir Edward Dallingridge is appointed Keeper of London
Sussex Historic Events
508 The Rise of Wessex